2013년 11월 1일 금요일

Ilona Warf's blog ::General Facts on Lung Cancer - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment For Lung Cancer

Ilona Warf's blog ::General Facts on Lung Cancer - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment For Lung Cancer

Physicians               who               treat               patients               at               risk               of               developing               lung               cancer               may               have               a               new               diagnostic               tool               at               their               disposal               if               researchers               get               their               way.

Researchers               made               this               announcement               in               a               recent               press               release.

Currently,               the               standard               treatment               to               detect               lung               cancer               involves               using               CT               scanning.

CT               scans               are               useful               to               detect               anatomical               changes               that               have               occurred               in               a               patient's               lungs,               however               the               PET               scan               provides               different               data.
               Using               a               PET               scan,               it               is               possible               to               detect               minor               biochemical               processes               that               are               not               detectable               by               a               CT               scan.

These               biochemical               processes               often               occur               long               before               a               patient               is               officially               diagnosed               with               lung               cancer.
               When               a               patient               is               diagnosed               with               lung               cancer,               they               are               staged.

Staging               refers               to               the               prognosis               and               treatment               plan               that               is               put               into               place               once               a               patient               is               diagnosed               with               lung               cancer.

Staging               is               based               upon               the               severity               and               degree               of               damage               that               has               happened               to               a               patient's               lung.
               CT               scans               are               useful               to               identify               the               stage               of               cancer               that               a               patient               is               experiencing.

The               cancer               patients               lungs               are               examined               to               detect               any               anatomical               changes               that               have               transpired.

However,               the               CT               scan               is               not               particularly               effective               at               diagnosis               new               cases               of               lung               cancer               before               they               have               become               more               severe.
               Researchers               have               determined               that               the               PET               scan               differentiates               between               malignant               and               benign               tumors               that               are               very               small,               even               as               small               as               1               centimeter.

In               addition,               the               PET               scan               is               more               effective               at               providing               useful               data               concerning               how               far               lung               cancer               has               advanced,               into               the               lymph               nodes               that               are               in               the               center               of               one's               chest               (mediastinal).
               Armed               with               this               information,               physicians               can               select               the               most               appropriate               course               of               treatment               for               each               lung               cancer               patient.
               To               the               layman,               CT               and               PET               scans               are               easily               confused.

The               same               machinery               can               be               used               when               conducting               either               scan.

However,               the               PET               scan               shows               the               molecular               activity               that               occurs               inside               of               a               person's               body.

The               CT               scan               simply               shows               the               structure               of               a               persons               body,               and               does               not               show               the               molecules.
               Although               it               is               not               discussed               nearly               as               much               as               many               other               forms               of               cancer,               lung               cancer               causes               more               deaths               than               any               other               type               of               cancer.

In               2007               alone,               lung               cancer               will               claim               an               estimated               1.3               million               lives               worldwide.
               Common               symptoms               of               lung               cancer               include               coughing               (particularly               when               someone               coughs               up               blood),               shortness               of               breath,               and               weight               loss.
               "Lung               cancer               remains               the               leading               cause               of               cancer-related               death               and               early               diagnosis               provides               the               best               chance               for               long               term               survival.

It               is               our               hope               this               systematic               review               contributes               to               clinical               guideline               discussions               exploring               the               potential               of               PET               as               part               of               standard               preoperative               work-up               -               along               with               computed               tomography               (CT)               -               to               further               enhance               assessment               of               early-stage               lung               cancer,"               said               Dr.

Ung,               chair,               Lung               Cancer               Site               Group,               Odette               Cancer               Centre,               Sunnybrook.

Image of diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer

diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer
diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer

diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer Image 1

diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer
diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer

diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer Image 2

diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer
diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer

diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer Image 3

diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer
diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer

diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer Image 4

diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer
diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer

diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer Image 5

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