2013년 11월 1일 금요일

Ilona Warf's blog ::... a day. In fact, they ...able to quit smoking. That is..., the cancer risk from tobacco...and tobacco smoke causes 30 % or more of...t just cause lung cancer. And, we...

Ilona Warf's blog ::... a day. In fact, they ...able to quit smoking. That is..., the cancer risk from tobacco...and tobacco smoke causes 30 % or more of...t just cause lung cancer. And, we...

According               to               the               Center               of               Disease               Control               (CDC),               cancer               is               the               second               leading               cause               of               death               in               the               United               States,               with               lung               cancer               being               the               number               one               cancer,               and               the               most               preventable               cancer.

There               are               not               pronounced               symptoms               of               lung               cancer               in               early               stages,               so               many               people               who               develop               lung               cancer               will               not               suffer               from               the               symptoms               of               lung               cancer               until               advanced               stages.

Symptoms               of               Lung               Cancer
               According               to               the               Mayo               Clinic,               advanced               stages               of               lung               cancer               cause               the               following               symptoms:               a               new,               chronic               cough,               or               changes               in               a               chronic,               "smoker's               cough,"               coughing               up               any               amount               of               blood,               shortness               of               breath,               wheezing,               hoarse               voice,               unintentional               weight               loss,               bone               pain,               and               headaches.
               Risk               Factors               for               Lung               Cancer
               cancer.net               lists               the               following               risk               factors               for               developing               lung               cancer:               smoking-               most               lung               cancers               occur               in               smokers,               or               past               smokers-               secondhand               smoke               also               increases               the               risk               of               lung               cancer,               working               around               asbestos,               especially               if               you               are               exposed               to               asbestos               and               smoke,               and               exposure               to               radon,               which               can               be               prevented               by               purchasing               a               kit               for               testing               radon               levels               in               your               home.
               According               to               cancer.net,               the               most               important               preventative               measure               you               can               take               to               prevent               lung               cancer               is               to               avoid               smoking,               or               quit               smoking.

As               stated               earlier,               lung               cancer               is               the               number               one               cancer               among               cancers               each               year               and               it               also               is               the               number               one               preventative               cancer.

Since               heart               disease               is               the               leading               cause               of               death               in               the               U.S               (               CDC)               and               smoking               causes               heart               disease               and               the               second               leading               cause               of               death               is               cancer,               with               lung               cancer               being               the               number               one               cancer,               a               person               could               potentially               eliminate               the               two               leading               causes               of               death               by               not               smoking,               or               quitting               smoking.
               the               five               year               survival               rate               for               someone               diagnosed               with               lung               cancer               is               16%               (               cancer.net).

That               is               not               good               odds               and               since               lung               cancer               goes               unnoticed               until               advanced               stages,               prevention               is               the               most               important               factor               in               lung               cancer               awareness.

So,               to               state               the               facts               bluntly,               if               smoking               causes               heart               disease               and               lung               cancer,               the               two               top               killers,               and               only               16%               of               people               survive               lung               cancer               past               five               years               and               lung               cancer               is               almost               always               related               to               smoking,               if               a=b               and               b=c,               then               a=c.

If               you               smoke,               you               will               get               heart               disease               or               lung               cancer               and               you               will               die.

It               is               not               about               the               signs               and               symptoms               of               lung               cancer               and               the               risk               factors               are               predominately               smoke-related-               prevention               is               key.

Lung               cancer               is               almost               always               preventable.

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smoking causes lung cancer facts
smoking causes lung cancer facts

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